Tuesday, November 3, 2009


this week I'll be writing 2 diary entry of a boy in Afghanistan based on what i know from reading bread winner.

Dear diary,

I hate having to make all my families money because my father died. It's so sad. I sold tea all day and some days people come to buy the things we can spare from our apartment, but nobody did today. Some times i can sell all the tea i have and get to go home early, but it's not as good as you think at home. It's so cramped in here. There is only one room and a washroom, and six people living in here. It's not any better out in the streets selling things, it's all crowded and dusty. Today is one of those day's that i got to go home early. Once i got home i laid on the floor and hoped nobody asked me to do anything. We're lucky to have running water so i don't have to go running to the water tap every time my family needs water. Our dinner wasn't that big because i only sold the tea today. After dinner i usually just go to bed, but now i have this diary i found in dads things I'll start to write in it before i go to bed.

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