Sunday, May 16, 2010

E is for Endangered species

This blog will be about why we should save endangered species. Down below are the top ten endangered species.
1.Black Rhino
2.Giant Panda
4.Beluga Sturgeon
5.Golden seal
6.Alligator Snapping Turtle
7.Hawksbill Turtle
8.Big Leaf Mahogany
9.Green-Cheeked Parrot
10.Mako Shark

There is a question and it is why save endangered species because most people don’t know what would happen if one species becomes extinct nothing will happen but a lot will. This is mostly because species have became extinct before, and that is true but I bet that something happen to the eco system last time too. We need to stop this problem by stop hunting, unless it is for food and it is the only thing to eat. Also try biking or walking because cars give off a lot of Co2 which makes it hotter and kills artic animals. And that is so sad. Another way to save them is to join a group that saves endangered animals.

life lesson: save the planet.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I is for ipod

I is for Ipod because I think ipods are awesome and here is why.
First, IPods are portable. You can take them wherever you go like walking or even if you’re driving. Another great thing is that you can watch movies. Which is great for long car rides. Games, one of the best inventions for kids. You can get tons of games, especially on the ipod touch. For the ipod touch you can have pages and pages of just games. Also IPods can hold a lot of music. The ipod classic can hold over 125GB of basically any thing you want.

This whole paragraph will be saying how hi tech IPods are. First, take the ipod touch it is thin, it has a touch screen and it can still hold a ton of music and games on it. The IPhone is probably the most advanced it can toke photos, text, call or just about everything. If you have seen the commercial you would know that you can turn off the lights with it and you don’t even need to be at home. The automatically best part of iPhone is that it has built in internet.
life lesson: don't run with the ipod classic it will break on you.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

L is for Luke

Luke is my brand new puppy he is so much fun to play with when he’s not biting. He really likes it when people tickle his tummy or when or when you pick him up by his front legs and he walks on his back legs. He also likes it when we pick him up but I’m not aloud to, but I do it anyway when my moms not home. Because of Luke I have to go outside almost every hour on the weekends to watch him go pee. My mom says I should play outside with him more but it’s just that I’m not an outside type unless it’s camping. Another thing that Luke likes to do is lick your face if your laying with him I think he is trying to lick all of the extra food crumbs on your face.

Luke really likes my brother, James for some weird reason that I don’t know. Like yesterday when my brother called my mom put the phone to Luke’s ear and James talk Luke went crazy when he heard him it was really funny. Luke also likes Kelly, Michael’s sister. When ever Luke sees her, he chases after her it is really funny. When Luke sleeps it is really funny because he sleeps on his back and when he has a dream his legs flop around everywhere. As you can see luke is very funny.

Well thats it and you will find a picture somewhere on this page.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

F is for fail blog

fail blog is this hilarious website, that show pictures or videos that shows something or someone doing something dumb but completely fail at it. below i will show 3 picture of these fails.

Like the picture you see there, it is a giant epic fail. this is a fail because a chef,s job is to cook but in this picture it says it doesn't cook. to me that is very funny. then the other picture is even funnier. the ramp is for handy cap but it only helps them get up the first step which is a very funny thing. like how is this going to help any body. i bet that this is going to hurt more people than help them even though i have no clue how.
and the last picture is the on see at the very top. it is very funny and sorta mean at the same time because there is a sign that says walk but above it has a person in a wheel chair. these mean because it making fun of the person in the wheel chairs disability.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

s is simpsons

The Simpson's is a t.v. show and is probably one of the funniest. It's full of characters but I'll only write about the lovable and the hilarious Simpson family.
first Homer, he is the father of the family.He is fat and almost bald, but he is still hilarious but mostly because he is stupid.He works in a nuclear power and almost gets it blown up a couple of times. i know what your thinking why hasn't he gotten fired yet. But to tell you the truth it's the opposite, he gets promoted! but it's only after he gets fired.

marge, she is the mother of the family and probably the most normal of the family. her hair is blue and almost two feet tall. she must have strong neck bones to hold all that hair. to me i find her being very emotional because in the beginning of an episode she happy then sad then happy again. to me she is probably the least funniest, even Maggy is funnier even though all she does is suck on her pacifier.
Lisa, she is the smart one of the family because all has at least one smart person.she of a vegetarian all because of one little sheep. she plays the saxophone and boy she can play. she is so good i bet she could write a song.Lisa is the third funniest or if you want to be negative you can say third least funny.
last is Bart he is the funniest, and he does what ever he can to be funny or rude or what ever else is annoying to other people like skate boarding nude(my favourite) or becoming a super hero. and i know, super heroes help people and every buddy loves them but not this one they hate him. we even made a game that Bart is a super hero and even in that they hate him.
well this is the end and i hope you learned about the Simpson family.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

f is for food

most of you know that i love food and your right.
how can you not like food it's Delicious. well how can it not be it's how people are supposed to make it. the only way it's descasting is if someone trys to cook but not supposed to or if it something that you don't do anything to it like fruit or all know that i like to say donut and pizza like saying pizza is awesome (ppppiiiizzzzzzzaaaaa) but their not my favourite food, their my second and third. but ribs are my ultimate favourite food. like how can you not like it, it's meat, sauce and when you are done you can lick the bone. then donuts are my second favourite because its doe then you can put what ever you want on it like sprinkles or icing. then pizza is my third favourite it can have all of the different food groups if you put on sauce, cheese and peperoni.
there is so many different types of food like Chinese food or Indian food. Chinese food has close names to American but taste so different. Indian food is awesome even though i never tryed it but i heard it was good and spicy i love spicy food so much. i love Portuguese food mostly because most of my family is Portuguese but when i taste pastries i go mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm for about a minute. but only one knows how to make all the food and she is really old and getting the food bought just isn't the same

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

j is for james'

hello I'll be writing about my brother, James. James is a great guy and i love him allot, but i hear some people say that they hate there brother because he's mean. my brother is mean and allot more.but i love him any way. we get in allot of fights and most times i get in trouble for but he doesn't. he always making it up for me like if my dad is hurting me he helps or he sneaks me an extra cookie when my parents aren't looking. sometimes he treats me like a slave. we have competitions like right now we are having one, to see who can catch all the Pokemon in our games. and any Pokemon haters out there the game isn't that bad.

now for my other James. James is a stoft animal, yea funny right, not. James is awesome and he is a husky not a wolf. i named him James because my brother started to leave home more and more often. here is the story of how i got and my mom went to value village, and i was looking at the toys when i saw him. so i took it and stated begging my mom to by it but all she said was no antill i finally anowed so much that she said only if i keep him and not just throw him in the closet like all the rest of them. in fact i still have them all in the same closet. I've gotten so attached to him that I'll punch anybody that takes him.

life lesson don't touch James and just live with your brother because you don't know when he's gone.