Tuesday, January 19, 2010

b is for best friends

i know your thinking best friends and awesome friends are the same thing, but their not.the biggest difference is that you can have as many awesome friends that you want but you can't for best friends. to me and probably only me you can have only 3 best friends but most people it's probably 1 or 2. I'm not going to name them because some might get sad, but probably not no one wants to be my friend except for maybe my brother.

now for the quality that i think best friends should have. OK the first one is easy, you both have to like each other. you don't have like the same thing., and there's no rule that boys and girls can just be friends. they don't have to be boy friend and girl friend.don't pick friends that will get you in trouble with anything.and last mack shore your parents approve of it.

life leason is pick awesome best friends.

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